Tasmanian Leatherwood Honey, creamy, 350g

Connoisseurs love this honey speciality from the white blossoms of the enchanting leatherwood tree, only found in the Tasmanian rainforests. The texture is silky soft, the aroma at first powerful and then exotic flowery notes slowly unfold – recommended by renowned starred chefs.

An exceptional character among honeys worldwide! The reflection of a unique natural heritage, which nowadays is protected in large parts by UNESCO . Filled and sealed with extreme care by the Tasmanian Honey Company.

The exchange with committed beekeepers in faraway countries has a tradition in the Breitsamer family. A particularly loyal collaboration connects us with the Tasmanian Honey Company, who provide us with this exquisite honey rarity.



exotic, flowery, strong




golden yellow


Honey is a natural raw food and therefore not suitable for children aged under 12 months.

Honey is a natural product. Variations in colour and consistency are therefore a sign of its authenticity and do not affect the quality of the honey.

Store away from light and at room temperature.

3 reviews for Tasmanian Leatherwood Honey, creamy, 350g

  1. German

    Knut Haye

    blumig, exotisch

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  2. German

    Knut Haye

    seh gut

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  3. German

    Martin Huge

    Hier stimmt endlich einmal die „Werbeaussage“ mit der Realität überein! Ich habe schon sehr viele Honigsorten probiert, aber keiner hat mich vom Geschmack und seiner samtigen Konsistenz derartig überzeugt. Diesen Honig haben wir immer im Haus und er ist ein wunderbares Geschenk!

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