german honey, real specialities, multibloom, liquid, 500g

Colorful meadows, elongated hedges and flowering bushes have become a rarity in this country. Where they still exist, they are a special treat for us and a special treat for the bees. Countless small flowers have visited them there on their search for nectar and pollen. The result is a delicately flowing, mildly aromatic multi-blossom honey. For the German beekeepers, this is a small and fine harvest and deserves our “Real Delicacy” award. This delicately flowing honey specialty is only available for a short time.







golden clear, light amber


Honey is a natural raw food and therefore not suitable for children aged under 12 months.

Honey is a natural product. Variations in colour and consistency are therefore a sign of its authenticity and do not affect the quality of the honey.

Store away from light and at room temperature.

1 review for german honey, real specialities, multibloom, liquid, 500g

  1. German


    toller, aromatischer Honig

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