SuperLife Manuka Honey MGO 400+
Original product from New Zealand
Breitsamer Honey and SuperLife
As a family business, we at Breitsamer traditionally maintain a close exchange with committed beekeepers – in Germany as well as in other honey countries. We offer specialties as original bottlings.
A trustful partnership connects us with King Honey. With their brand SuperLife, King Honey is an established Manuka honey specialist in New Zealand. All honeys are certified and labeled with the respective contained MGO content.
SuperLifeTM MGO 400+ is gently bottled directly in New Zealand.
Where does the name “Manuka” come from?
This honey owes its name Manuka to the Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand.
They called the South Sea myrtle native there Manuka.

The importance of MGO
MGO stands for methylglyoxal, the ingredient to which Manuka honey owes its fame and is appreciated worldwide.
The numerical value on the label indicates the amount of MGO contained in the honey. In the ripening process, this value increases, hence the indication MGO 400+. Since the discovery of Methylglyoxal by the Technical University of Dresden, MGO is the most common designation of a Manuka Honey.

The peculiarity of Manuka honey
In addition to its special properties, Manuka honey is by nature strictly limited. The reason for this is the short flowering period of the Manuka plant. The bees therefore have only a few weeks to collect the sweet nectar for this unique honey specialty.