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Silver Fir Honey, liquid, 500g

In dense fir forests, where no light penetrates even in the height of summer, the bees collect tiny droplets of honeydew on the spikes to prepare this exclusive type of honey. Silver fir honey is greenish dark brown in colour and tastes resinous-malty with a hint of prunes. It’s a real rarity, which can only be harvested in suitable weather conditions. Therefore, it can’t be harvested by beekeepers every year.



aromatic, characteristic, malty, resinous, strong






Honey is a natural raw food and therefore not suitable for children aged under 12 months.

Honey is a natural product. Variations in colour and consistency are therefore a sign of its authenticity and do not affect the quality of the honey.

Store away from light and at room temperature.

1 review for Silver Fir Honey, liquid, 500g

  1. German


    Ich bewundere die Bienen, die solche Leistung vollbringen. Der Geschmack liegt genau auf meiner Wunschvorstellung. Solange es diese Sorte gibt werde ich sie kaufen.

    Verifizierter Kauf. Mehr Informationen

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