Acacia Honey, liquid, 500g

The white flowerage of the up to 25m high robinia (black locust) is one of the first honey sources for bees in spring. It offers a luscious nectar, which the bees convert into a water-clear to light yellow honey pleasure. Acacia honey is incomparably mild and sweet in taste. That makes it one of the most popular types of honey, which tastes just as good on bread as it does to sweeten drinks and yoghurt.



mild, slightly sweet, sweet




light water to light yellow


Honey is a natural raw food and therefore not suitable for children aged under 12 months.

Honey is a natural product. Variations in colour and consistency are therefore a sign of its authenticity and do not affect the quality of the honey.

Store away from light and at room temperature.

3 reviews for Acacia Honey, liquid, 500g

  1. German


    Mein Lieblingshonig

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  2. German

    Fuyin Huang

    Schon wieder zurück zu bestellen, prima

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  3. German

    Chrissy G.

    Einfach der beste Honig! Darf bei meinem Frühstück nicht fehlen.

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