Although it’s a sign of its naturalness, it can lead to subdued mood at the breakfast table – the sticking of honey. Every honeylover experienced it: you don’t pay attention for one second and the screw cap of the jar is glued with honey and it becomes difficult to open again.
To make sticky jars a thing of the past, we have developed a specific flip cover. With its functional design and some special features, nothing stands in the way of full honey enjoyment!
A closure with many advantages
Thanks to the new flip top, the screw cap of the jar can no longer come in contact with honey. From now on it is no longer screwed on, but opened – with just one hand! If any honey drips on the flip-top closure, it can still be easily opened and closed.
The days of glued honey spoons are also over. Our new hinged lid has an integrated scraper edge and offers the possibility to hang up the spoon so that it can drip off by itself. In this way, not a drop of the valuable product is wasted and you do not have to hold the spoon in your hand until it is clean enough to be put down.
When developing new ideas and products, it is always a great feeling for us to make them as cautious and lost as possible. The closure must be made of a sootable plastic and can be recycled if it really loses the material cycle. It is also best to always dispose of the glass and lid.
Flip top or screw top
everything is possible
We designed the new hinged lid especially for our traditional Breitsamer honeycomb glass.
From now on everyone will decide for himself how our honeys are opened, because the closure can be unscrewed as well as flip-opened. It’s best to test our new closure yourself and find out what you like better.
You can find the new hinged lid on our classic varieties, the Mediterranean summer honeys, our three “fair breakfast” honeys and our popular „Frühlingssummen“.

Before first use
Our honey jars with hinged lids have a sealing foil to ensure the originality of the product. It must be removed before the first use: simply screw on the glass – remove the film – screw it back on – and that’s it!

Upcycling or Recycling?
Even if the glass and cap can be recycled separately, it is worth collecting and reusing the glasses with the matt black lids.
After a thorough cleaning in the dishwasher or by hand, they can be used excellently for storing insensitive food or other small things. It becomes particularly beautiful and tidy when the black lids are labeled with a chalk marker.