Project Grünpaten (Green godfathers)

Ein neu bepflanztes Beet in der Münchner Innenstadt

Grünpaten is a project of the gardeners of Green City e.V. in cooperation with the building directorate of horticulture in the state capital Munich who support the commitment to a beautification of their neighbourhood. Citizens can become godfathers of roadside greenery in this project. The areas affected are generally around roadside trees, where greening did not keep.

Unfortunately, the buzzing in our cities are getting less and less often because the bees are lacking suitable habitats and sufficient food sources. Many gardens and parks are characterized by sterile areas or aren’t planted at all. Therefore, we support the project “Grünpaten” so there are more green areas and consequently food sources and brooder houses for wild and honey bees.

We are pleased to support this sustainable project with a generous donation.

More information on the project under: