During their tireless search for nectar, pollen and honeydew, bees pollinate a large part of our plants. In this way, they ensure a species-rich nature and food diversity.
That is why we would like to celebrate World Bee Day with you. With uncomplicated tips and tricks we can make a contribution together and create a great environment for bees and for us!

How you can save bees
bee-friendly planting
A particularly effective and easy way to help bees is the conscious planting of a balcony, terrace or garden.
Numerous manufacturers now offer bee-friendly seed mixtures that can be sown self.
But conventional flowers and herbs are also excellent: sage, thyme, lavender, sunflower, daisies and more delight insects and people alike.
Last but not least it is worthwhile to be a little more careless when gardening every now and then. Leave a few wild corners for bees, insects and other animals. This will create untouched places for foraging, nesting and wintering.
conscious consumption
An active contribution can also be made by consciously buying food. For example, the cultivation of organic fruit and vegetables does not use chemical pesticides. As these are particularly harmful to bees, the conscious consumption of organic food is a step in the right direction.
More honey for more buzzing
As a Bavarian family business and honey specialist, we too would like to make a contribution to the well-being of the bees. That is why we have been committed to bee-friendly projects as a partner and sponsor for years.
We also have a particularly bee-friendly honey in our assortment: our “Frühlinssummen” blossom honey.
For every glass sold, we donate 40 ct. to local projects for bee-friendly planting. In this way, together with you, we can actively contribute to nature and species conservation.
Take advantage of the World Bee Day and discover individual possibilities to support bees and nature!

Die Geschichte des Weltbienentages
Initiated in Slovenia, celebrated worldwide
In order to protect bees, the Slovenian Beekeepers Association initiated the International Bee Day in 2014 for the first time. Supported by the Slovenian government, worldwide information events were organised to draw attention to the importance of the bee. After 3 years of intensive efforts, the issue was presented to the UN and adopted in the same year.
All UN states as well as 115 nations support the initiative and henceforth celebrate World Bee Day on 20 May each year.

A date with history
May 20th is the birthday of Anton Janša, a pioneer of modern beekeeping. Born in Slovenia in 1734, he worked as a bee scientist all his life and passed on his knowledge as a Viennese court beekeeper.
Then and now, his textbooks on beekeeping and his invention of the so called Krainer beehive, a new form of horizontal hive, attracted particular attention.
Besides honouring Janša, the month of May was also chosen for climatic reasons. In the northern hemisphere, nature is now in full splendour and offers bees and other insects a rich food supply. In the southern hemisphere, on the other hand, autumn begins and with it the time of honey harvesting and honey consumption in general.