The “Fair Breakfast” campaign weeks
From April 24th to May 9th, breakfast should not only be an important, but also a particularly fair meal! Every year, Fairtrade Germany shows how easy it is to implement for each of us with the “Fair Breakfast” campaign.
Everyone can participate – whether consumers or retailers. The goal: to integrate fair trade foods more closely into everyday life and to draw attention to the wide range and variety of Fairtrade products.
How the campaign is designed is up to you. For example, private individuals can organize a fair breakfast with friends, family or colleagues – privately or via video chat. Together we can chat, feast and, most importantly, support fair trade. In order to reach even more people and encourage them to join in, impressions and pictures can be shared on social media with the hashtag #fairindentag.
Participating retailers are increasingly offering fair products for tasting or advertising with special offers during the campaign period. However, it should be noted at this point that changes and failures can occur due to the current corona pandemic.

Breitsamer”Faires Frühstück” honey – fair and climate neutral
The Fairtrade honey range from Breitsamer has also recently been named after the successful campaign. Breitsamer “Faires Frühstück” convinces with the well-known Imkergold quality with a new, fresh design.
Already in 2013 we changed our Breitsamer Imkergold honeys to Fairtrade quality. Since then we have been an important Fairtrade honey partner. And with pride! We obtain our fairly traded honeys from small-scale beekeepers in Chile and Mexico. Thanks to secured purchase contracts and fixed prices, our partners receive a reliable (secondary) income, which can compensate for crop failures, for example.
Since 2015 our Fairtrade honeys have also been climate neutral. This means that the resulting C02 is fully compensated with the help of global climate protection projects.
Honey and breakfast simply go together
Breakfast without honey is out of the question for us. Because hardly any food is so versatile. As a spread on bread, rolls, pancakes or waffles, its taste comes into its own. It is also suitable for sweetening and refining other delicacies. On cereal, in a smoothie, in coffee or tea – with “fair breakfast” honey morning literally has gold in your mouth.