Germany Buzzes!
An initiative of the Foundation for Man and the Environment
The campaign “Germany buzzes!” aims first and foremost to draw attention to bees, urban nature and our dependence on a functioning ecosystem. As the most important pollinating insects, bees play a key role here. They are not doing well: monocultures, pesticides, loss of land, diseases and pests are causing them trouble. Without bees, our ecosystems, biodiversity and, ultimately, humanity are in a bad way.
In addition, the initiative aims to awaken a sense of responsibility in decision-makers from the fields of culture, science, business and politics, since the preservation of our ecosystem is a task for society as a whole. It affects everyone, not only environmentalists, nature lovers or, in the case of the honey bee, beekeepers.
Together with “Germany buzzes!” we want to motivate young and old to make their community and district – and thus their future – more bee-friendly.
The annual planting competition
The planting competition “We do something for bees”, initiated by the “Stiftung für Mensch und Umwelt”, takes place annually. This is a bee-friendly and community action that shows the commitment of friends, families, work colleagues, students, sports groups and many more.
The aims of the competition are to transform areas that are foreign to nature into habitats for humans and animals, to create understanding for biological diversity and to initiate community experiences.
Last year, 48 hectares of green spaces were already planted close to nature!
Discover our seasonal planting tips.
For more information, visit www.wir-tun-was-fü
Our contribution
We at Breitsamer are passionate about the natural product honey and the bees are our most important employees. Improving their situation is therefore very close to our hearts. That is why we have supported the campaign “Wir tun was für Bienen” (We do something for bees) as well as initiated other projects in recent years.
In addition, we have added a very special honey to our range: Breitsamer Spring Buzz. Here the taste of spring meets the full effort of the bees. Our spring buzz is a spring blossom honey from the first harvest of the year. The honey tastes flowery-aromatic.
40 cents of each jar sold goes to various bee projects.